Saturday, November 17, 2012

A Christian Sabbath

Even though we got to sleep in a little this morning, we paid for that extra rest during the day by having to cram all our errands into less time.  After breakfast, we did the usual running around like idiots, interrupted mid-day by a trip to the eye doctor.  Running and doing all the way up to sunset.  It was a busy day, as usual. 

BUT, shortly after sunset, we packed the car and went to our friend's house for our quasi-regular Eat All The Things night.  A bunch of us get together every month or so for dinner; we rotate courses, eat...well, all the things, and then hang out and shoot the breeze for a couple of hours.  It's something Leah and I really look forward to. 

This evening was a little bit different from other EATTs, though.  We decided that we would try to do the "Christian celebration of a Sabbath meal" that was outlined in the Stewardship newsletter.  Our hostess lit candles, welcoming the Sabbath.  We blessed our children.  Our host blessed the wine (and sparkling cider) and we all drank to acknowledge the God of creation.  We shared salt-sprinkled bread to remember God's manna and how He provides our daily bread.   Then, we pigged out on chili and homemade bread (both of which, by the way, were DELICIOUS).  We digested for a while and then, after dessert, we listened to a reading of Psalm 111 and we all said the Lord's Prayer.

It probably was a little less structured or serious than the newsletter intended it to be, but it was still pretty meaningful.  To me it kind of felt like we were inviting God to share the meal with us; more so than when we simply say grace.  There was special effort.  It was intentional.  And really cool.  Especially listening to the voices of my friends and daughter reciting the closing prayer together.  Goosebumpy.  I guess I'm just a sucker for that kind of stuff.

So, home now to rest for the night.  While I would like to continue this "Sabbath" through sunset tomorrow, unfortunately, life is still too busy.  But, for a little while...   

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