Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Five Things That Don't Work For Lent

These are merely my opinion, so they might not apply to you, dear reader.

1)  Thinking I'm proving something to God - I don't think that He is looking for me to prove to Him that I can go five and a half weeks without a Diet Coke.

2)  Messing up and then quitting - God is a god of do-overs.  If I slip up, there's no reason I shouldn't repent and start again.  If I can't do that over Lent, how could I expect to do that in "real life"?

3)  Switching midstream - I'll admit it.  There have been years where I picked something to give up and after a week or two, I switched to something 'easier'.  Lame.  Lent should be a time for the broken me to become stronger.

4)  Not filling the new void with Christ - Do I give up a favorite food, but not feed others?  Give up TV time to pursue just another mindless activity?

5)  Counterfeit sacrifice - Been there.  This is like being so busy that you've had to skip a couple meals and then turning around and calling it fasting.  Or spending your precious Saturday mornings helping at a soup kitchen and resenting it all the while.  Or adopting pseudo-asceticism based on self-loathing.  It would be better for my soul to honestly give nothing up at all.

Anyway, I have no idea what I'm going to do.  I'm hopeful it will come to me at Ash Wednesday service tomorrow evening.

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