Friday, December 28, 2012

Impatience Is a Virtue

Between the flu and Christmas, I've gotten behind on my posting.  I was kind of ok with it, too.  Had pretty much convinced myself that it was alright to take some time off; that it was perfectly understandable to miss posting because of illness, and certainly because of Christmas. 

But now I'm feeling guilty.  I actually was starting to think, "why bother?"  Boy, it sure is easy to get sucked back into being lazy and not keeping my commitment.  And such an innocuous thing to backslide on, too.  It's not like a real sin, right? 

I should be able to keep up with the blog and my day job, and doing the mom thing, and all the running and doing that go along with that.  Especially this time of year - the shopping, decorating, wrapping, cooking, returning.  The myth of multi-tasking.  I think people like over-doers.  Certainly the media does.  We make fun of  aggressive, impatient 'Type A' personalities, all the while admiring the way they are able to get things done.  This breed is praised for its can-do, must-do, get out-of-my-way attitude.  The winner is the one who gets the most done in the shortest period of time.

The dilemma is that we all know that's not a proportional way to live.  It's not good to be too slothful but it's dangerous to be super-industrious, as well.    I still have to find the middle ground.  I admit it's been nice to be able to sleep in a few times this past week.  I have off from work tomorrow and I may do it again.  But, like I mentioned earlier, it's really easy for me to fall back into the old habits that got my life into the mediocre shape I've been trying to crawl out of.  I'm not certain I'm disciplined enough to say "it's just for the holidays."

Anyway, I'm going to try to get back into the daily post habit.  I'm going to try to not make myself crazy if I have to miss a day.

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