Thursday, January 17, 2013

Betting on Faith

Lately, I've found myself avoiding my sacred time (specifically the praying piece). Frankly, it's more than avoiding it, I've actually stopped myself from praying - particularly for small things like when I left my wallet at work. And when I couldn't find my black turtleneck. But also about bigger stuff, like my job, the future - - it's been a rough couple of days.

I know that sounds weird. To profess to be a Christian and eschew prayer.

Well, this evening, I decided that, whether or not they 'work', I miss praying. Or I miss having someone to talk to about the things I care or worry about. It's hard to maintain a reality where you have to be completely on your own, without God's help. I'm taking Pascal's wager.

So I saw this thing on a UMC GBOD website - This weekend, I'm going to dig out a couple of small Mason jars and I'm going to set up a prayer station (maybe next to the tzedakah box). Nothing fancy. One will be for prayer requests. I'll put dated slips of paper in it with meaningful requests written on them. Not the oh-my-lord-where-are-my-keys kinda requests. Requests of some consequence. And I will pray about them each day.

After about a month, I'll take the slips out and read them again, and think about whether the prayer was answered or not. If it was, the slip'll go in the second "answered prayers" jar. The rest will go back in the first jar to be prayed about for another month.

I still won't know if the answered prayers are simply coincidences or for real. But, in faith, I believe the task will change the pray-er.

I love the Lord, because he has heard
     my voice and my supplications.
Because he inclined his ear to me,
     therefore I will call on him as long as I live.

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