Tuesday, January 1, 2013


I'm not really sure what other goals I should set on top of the ones I set down for myself in November, but I feel compelled to specify some things for New Year's.
  1. Spend more real time with my daughter.
  2. Exercise at least twice a week - hopefully at the gym - and eat some fruits and vegetables
  3. Fix the things that have fallen apart in the house over the past 6 years.
  4. Lose enough weight so I'm not ashamed to have my picture taken on the mission trip.
  5. Pray more.
I would like to be a better person because maybe life would improve if I am.  Sometimes I wish those health, wealth, and prosperity gospels were for real.  Well, maybe not necessarily the wealth part - that causes more trouble than it's worth - but the feel-good part of the message.  You know, like if I pray more or go to church, I'll be rewarded with an easier, happier life, more friends, less problems.

Unfortunately, there's 1 Peter 6:  "In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials." 

So, while I believe that God could make my life better through heavenly means, I don't think He actually would.  Hence, the resolutions.  I'm going to need to take responsibility for my own spiritual "prosperity" this year.

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