Tuesday, December 18, 2012


This is going to be pretty short (shorter than usual).  This morning on the train I noticed that I had a slight tickle in the back of my throat.  Right now, I have achy anything-that bends, a bit of a chill (well, I did just turn the heat on about half an hour ago...) and a burning sensation on and off in my chest.  Just got back from the drug store with a bunch of OTC junk and a thermometer.  100.3 - that's not too bad, right?

I was going to post something about the body being a temple and all that, but I don't actually interpret 1 Corinthians 3 that way.  And since I don't really know enough to remark on it in any scholarly fashion, I think I need to stop here for now with any Biblical exposition.

So bad news - feeling crappy and don't have vacation time left.  Good news - I have about a  week to get over whatever it is before Christmas Eve (and my office has a door so I can self-quarantine if I need to).  Last Christmas Eve, I had laryngitis.  There is nothing worse (go with me, I know it's hyperbolic) than not being able to sing your favorite carols in church on Christmas Eve.  I managed to squeak my way through, but it sucked.

Praying that it all goes away overnight so I don't need to use the remaining vacation I had reserved for Boxing Day.  And that the kid doesn't get it.

Your prayers gratefully accepted.  Thanks.

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