Monday, November 19, 2012

It's About Time

Last Monday, I started tracking my time.  Then  I lumped things into some basic categories.  Here ya go:

Hope you can ready it.  But, just in case you can't (and even if you can) here is what I learned from the exercise:
  1. It takes me a reeeeeally long time to wake up.  Or at least it takes me a reeeeeally long time to convince myself to get up and get out of bed.
  2. I spend about 11 hours a day doing work stuff (including the commute, which essentially consists of reading the Metro "news"paper and doing emails).  That's about 60% of my waking hours.  60.  6-OH.
  3. The so-called "family time" is really just me being in the same room with Leah while we each do our own thing; drawing or gaming (her), reading or surfing (me).  Occasionally, there is interaction, or at least we stop what we were doing and watch the same TV show.  Somehow I feel a little funny calling it "family time. "
  4. I stay up too late.  Sometimes I drop off around 11; mostly it's after midnight.  Sometimes I fall asleep with the TV on and wake up at 2 or 3 to turn it off.  This may or may not have anything to do with learning 1.
  5. By the time Sunday rolls around, my brain has apparently turned to cream of wheat.  This may or may not have anything to do with learning 4.
  6. Although I spend time during the day praying, and some of my family time reading was theologically-based, I only dedicated 8 hours this week to the work of the Kingdom.  And this was a big week, what with session and new members.  For an average week, it's  more like 3.5.  And when Advent starts (i.e., Wednesday night programs end) it will be down to a shameful 1.5 hours.    
  7. I'm wasting my life.
The sweet moments are so few and fleeting.  Whose fault is that?

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